Erika Erickson

A 13-year-old boy is in custody because Oakland County deputies believe he is linked to the violent break-ins and assaults targeting young girls in Pontiac.
Nine adorable dogs have made their way to Metro Detroit after being rescued from the devastating wildfires in California. As the pups arrived, they were met with love and lots of kisses.
The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office is urging residents to keep their windows and doors locked as they search for a suspect who allegedly choked a 10-year-old girl during a home invasion.
A Detroit mother is demanding answers after her 13-year-old son was injured in a school fight — saying she only found out later when a video surfaced online.
A Detroit mother is demanding answers after her 13-year-old son was injured in a school fight — saying she only found out later when a video surfaced online.
The recent decision to pause tariffs on trade with Mexico for a month has given the auto industry some breathing room, but uncertainty still looms over both short and long-term impacts.
For 8-year-old Janek Bebout, laughter has not only become his best medicine, but it is something he wants to share with the world — one fart noise at a time. You heard that right!
A wrongful death lawsuit has been filed against multiple defendants alleging their actions led to the death of 71-year-old Eugene Glavin, who died after a 22-year-old driver allegedly lost consciousness while inhaling nitrous oxide and crashed into him.
When it rains—it well, you know how the saying goes. And for the Detroit Artists Market, it couldn’t have happened on a worse day.
Detroit police are exploring the feasibility of an alert system, which could make all the difference for families.
A former security guard at Cornerstone Jefferson-Douglass Academy in Detroit is accused of sexually assaulting a young teen over a five-month period.
The bitter cold wasn’t enough to deter burglars in Beverly Hills, who recently stole at least two cars in one night, including Lisa Petersen’s newer Dodge Durango.