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Our No. 1 goal as a news station in Metro Detroit is to serve our communities with the information, resources and support they need on a daily basis. You can help shape our news coverage to better serve that purpose.

If you're looking to contact WDIV or the ClickOnDetroit team, help us direct your submission to right department by using one of the buttons below, use the question mark or "Help" icon near the top-right corner of this page to get started, or use the form below, to get in touch with the ClickOnDetroit Help Desk. Providing as much information as possible in your request will allow us to help you faster.

Visit the ClickOnDetroit Help Center if you have a question about WDIV or ClickOnDetroit, or if you have a question about how to find resources.

Main number: 313-222-0444.

News tip? Email us at:

You may call the WDIV newsroom at 313-222-0500, you can also ask for our web staff. To reach Help Me Hank, email - To reach the Local 4 Investigative team please call or text 313-418-5080.  To leave a message for the Local 4 programming department, please call 313-962-WDIV (313-962-9348).

If you have a news tip, comment or question, please use the email address list on this page, or the form above, to help direct your correspondence.

You may wish to remain anonymous when submitting a tip, but return addresses are necessary in confirming a community event or verifying a comment.


550 W. Lafayette
Detroit, MI, 48226

General Manager: Bob Ellis

News Director: Jennifer Wallace