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3 things to think about when heading back to school

From overall wellness, to a lunchbox, there are a lot of things to consider

It won’t be long before that first bell of school is ringing and children are back in the classroom. Families everywhere are preparing for the school year to start and there is a lot to consider. Shalessa Ebron with Plymouth Education Center (PEC) joined “Live In The D” host Tati Amare to discuss some things that can help families.

First, she talked about wellness. It’s something that parents should consider when it comes to their child’s school and what the school does to address the overall wellness of the child. For example, Ebron said at PEC they offer “wrap-around” services that include having a social worker at the school, a full time nurse, and a new “wellness room” where students can go to work on mindfulness and relax.

Also, Ebron said technology is important. Computers are part of almost every classroom so children should know how to get the technology needed for learning, and how to use it appropriately. “Through a partnership with Connect 313, each student will have their own device,” she said. “They use that technology for assignments and for teacher connections. Teachers will use tech as a communication tool and to push out assignments.”

Finally, an easy but important thing to think about is a lunchbox.

“It’s important for your child to open a lunchbox independently,” she said. “It’s a small thing that makes a big difference.”

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