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Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month in Southwest Detroit

Learn about the immigrant workers who helped develop this part of town

Southwest Detroit is known for the deep Hispanic roots that are in this part of the city. It’s been nicknamed Mexicantown, but the heritage of those who live and work in Southwest Detroit spans into Central America and South America as well. Louis Aguilar, with The Detroit News, appeared on “Live In The D” to share a little about the history of this part of the city.

Aguilar spoke to his personal family experience that dates back nearly 100 years. He also said factory work was one of the main reasons those of Hispanic heritage came to Detroit and settle in this part of the city more than 100 years ago. In addition to that, many of those who settled here didn’t face the same type of discrimination they did back home in the Southwest part of the United States.

To learn more about the history an Southwest Detroit, and the Hispanic Heritage there, click the video player above.