This Downriver food pantry serves thousands weekly

They hold drive-up fresh produce markets every Saturday

Fish and Loaves, located in Taylor, is sort of like a grocery store, but there‘s one major difference. “The difference between us and the grocery store is everything here is free,” Fish and Loaves Executive Director Stephanie McNees said.

The motto for the food pantry that serves the Downriver community is, “Ensuring No One Goes Hungry”, and they‘re living up to it.

Every year McNees said the need is greater. “Last year we distributed 2.8 million pounds of food. This year we‘re on track to distribute more than 3.1,” she said.

If the need arises, the process is simple. McNees said people can call or stop into the panty and volunteers will get them registered. If they don’t qualify, they will help get them other resources.

The pantry also offers fresh produce markets every Saturday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., when anyone can pull up and receive fruits, veggies, and dairy.

To see the entire story, and how you can help the organization receive a big donation from Gardner White, click the video above.