Are you prioritizing protein in your diet?

Nutrition and fitness expert shares advice

As you try to fuel up with protein in the new year, one fitness and nutrition expert is suggesting that soup could help do the trick.

Fitness and nutrition expert Jody Trierweiler appeared on “Live In The D” to talk about the importance of protein when it comes to your health. She also shared a recommendation for eating soup.

Jody said she started her soup with mirepoix, which is made with celery, onions, and carrots.

“This is how you can start any soup. You just sauté two times the onions to the carrots and celery. Then I added some ginger, chopped that up, and garlic, chopped that up. You sauté it, now it’s starting to release that flavor,” Jody said.

For protein, Jody suggested ground bison, which she said is very lean and high in protein. Jody added chicken to her soup. Next, she suggested beans or legumes. The fitness and nutrition expert shared that black-eyed peas are high in protein.

Finally, Jody said you can add in additional vegetables or squeeze in some lemon juice.

Watch the video above to see what else Jody adds to her soup.