Nationally renowned doctor shares health advice from new book

Are you ready to ‘Eat Your Age’?

If you’ve ever wondered if the right nutrition can help you stay energized, look younger, and feel your best at any stage of life, then you may want to check out a new book by Dr. Ian Smith, MD.

Known nationally for his health expertise, the author stopped by “Live in the D” to chat about his latest book and how eating the right foods at the right age can have great health benefits.

“This is probably my most comprehensive health book,” Dr. Smith said. The book titled “Eat Your Age” talks about what foods should be eaten at different stages in our lives. He said for every decade in our life, starting at the age 30, our bodies change physically and physiologically. Meaning how you eat in your 30s and 40s may not be how you eat in your 50s and 60s.

Dr. Smith broke down the best foods you should consume at particular ages in your life.

To see the full interview, click the video above.