Fees are something many people may figure are always going to be associated with financial planning. But, what they may not know is exactly how those fees add up over time and grow into a big hit on your retirement savings. Golden Reserve appeared on “Live In The D” to share what people need to look out for, and how they can help.
“No one really knows how much they’re paying. It’s amazing,” said Anna Christine, a partner with Golden Reserve. “When we sit down with people, they are confused about what they’re paying and I think part of that is just how financial advisors have typically charged folks.”
So, how much can it be? Christine explained that even at a 1% asset under management fee of your total savings, over a retirement lifetime of 25 years, that’s a significant cost.
Golden Reserve wants to help you have a better idea of how to prepare for these fees using a Fee Filter. “We’ll break it down for you and show you what you’re paying your financial advisor, and by the way, share all the hidden costs in your investments, so you can have a clearer picture of what you’re paying,” said Christine.
She also explained what the Golden Reserve Roadmap for Retirement looks like. To hear more about that, click the video player above.
You can learn more about how Golden Reserve can help you by calling 313-888-8884.