DETROIT – Metro Detroit is bracing for another round of cold, wintry weather this weekend.
Pope Francis Center is used to welcoming guests looking for warmth during cold nights.
While emergency shelter is critical, its goal is to get people off the streets for good.
The extreme cold and snow are activating overnight respite locations.
“Maybe five years ago, you’d see 175 folks come in here dropping during day center,” Chris Harthen, director of housing and advocacy. “We’re averaging 240 to 250 (people). We’re seeing these numbers all around the city.”
The day center is a one-stop shop for unhoused people. Men and women can access warm meals, showers, and clothing.
During a winter weather emergency, the center says it provides 50 beds for respite, Harthen said.
---> List: Where to stay warm in Metro Detroit
How does it work?
Starting Sunday at 6 p.m., people can either call ahead or walk-in. The center can also help with transportation.
Meanwhile, the Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries can currently assist people.
The city of Detroit is reminding folks help is available if they need to find a warming center or respite location following a mother’s heartbreak. Earlier this week, Tateona Williams’ two children died.
“I called everybody,” Tateona Williams said. “I called out-of-state. I called different cities. I called Detroit.”
Police say the mom drove her van into the parking garage of a Detroit casino where the battery died as temps dropped into the teen. Investigators believe her children froze to death.
Now, city leaders are reviewing the city’s homeless services center after Williams claimed she called around looking for help.
While Pope Francis Center is always ready to open its doors, it wants to go a step further.
“So, anyone seeking shelter, especially during this cold climate can not only get into emergency shelter but also be connected to further housing services,” Harthen said. “Obviously, that’s the key. It’s one thing to require this emergency assistance. It’s another thing to find sustainable housing solutions.”