DETROIT – As Women’s History Month unfolds, it’s fitting to spotlight a remarkable Detroit nonprofit that has helped thousands of job seekers dress for success.
For 25 years, Jackets for Jobs has offered professional clothing for men and women, career skills training, and employment etiquette education at no cost.
Jackets for Jobs is more than just a nonprofit; it’s a lifeline for countless Detroit job seekers.
Alison Vaughn, its founder and CEO, refers to it as “Her ministry.” Reflecting on the impact of the past two and a half decades, Vaughn explained why she believes this mission is a calling from above.
“What we do is provide clothing for job seekers. So anyone that’s unemployed and they’re looking for employment and they want to look good and feel good. They come to us, and we’ve got an array of clothes, as you can see, and so that’s what we’re all about, just making sure that they look good for a job interview.”
Jackets For Jobs CEO, Founder Alison Vaughn
The organization was founded after Vaughn left her job working for a major airline.
“I was talking to one of my fellow flight attendant friends, and I said, ‘I’ve got this idea, but I don’t know where to house it.’ And she says, ‘Well, I’ve got a pastor. I’ll ask him.’ And so she called Reverend Jim Holley, and he says, ‘Yes, I’ve got a space up on the second floor of Little Rock, and you can use that space.’ And I started there.”
Jackets For Jobs CEO, Founder Alison Vaughn
Since its inception, the organization has helped more than 40,000 job seekers land opportunities they never thought possible.
“We have image consultants, and our image consultants will help you because a lot of the men do not know how to tie a tie, so we assist them with tying a tie.
We assist them putting on a jacket and pants. A lot of the ladies that come to us have never worn a suit before.
They’ve never worn a dress, so we help them pick out a jacket, a nice blouse, and the complete outfit. So when they come, we can give them the complete outfit down to the socks.”
Jackets For Jobs CEO, Founder Alison Vaughn
The 25th-anniversary celebration will highlight the organization’s impact, with Cynthia Bailey, best known as a former fashion model and for her role on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, lending her star power to the event.
Vaughn expressed the significance of serving the community over the past 25 years.
“(It’s) very meaningful, because I consider this a ministry. In the Bible it says ‘When I was hungry, you fed me when I was naked, you clothed me,’ and so this is a ministry for me.
And I always give God credit. I’m always thankful for God giving me this vision to be able to help God giving me this vision to make a difference in this community.
And so when someone comes in here that’s unemployed and gets an outfit, and then they go out and get the job, and they come back and say, ‘Guess what? I got the job. Thank you.’
You know how rewarding that is. That is just so gratifying to know that that person is now employed. They’re helping their whole household, and now they’re employed, they’re becoming self-sufficient, and that just does my heart really good.”
Jackets For Jobs CEO, Founder Alison Vaughn
The 25th anniversary celebration will highlight the organization’s impact.
Bailey, a former fashion model best known for her role on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, will lend her star power to the event.
The event, “Clothed in Confidence: 25 Years Strong,” will be held on Thursday, March 20, at 10 a.m. at the Motor City Casino in Detroit.
Tickets are available, and if you can’t attend the event, you can always donate new or gently used professional clothing items.
Jackets for Jobs has two Detroit locations: one on the lower level of the Northwest Activities Center and another on the east side at the Samaritan Center.
They ask that you donate clothes in season. Monetary donations are also welcomed as a 501(c)(3) organization.