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Making sure pets are up to date on vaccines

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

August may be the time families are preparing for back to school, but it’s also a great time to check and make sure your pets are up to date on their vaccines. The entire month is dedicated to immunization awareness, and AnnMarie Chamberlain from Michigan Humane stopped by “Live in the D” to chat about the importance of having your pet vaccinated.

“The biggest thing is prevention is the key when it comes to any kind of health for your pet,” Chamberlain said.

She said having your pet vaccinated keeps you from unexpected bills that may come up when pets need to visit the vet. This also prevents any transmission of viruses from pet to pet.

If you are not a pet parent, but are looking to become one, Michigan Humane has several pets in need of a home. A 2 month old puppy named Verde appeared on the show and is up for adoption. The Mike Morse Law Firm will pay the standard adoption fees for whoever adopts todays pet of the week.

To see the entire interview, click the video above.